If you don’t want to know what it was like to be a woman in America on November 9th, 2016, don’t read this.  I’ve been writing some of this post in my head for months. Like many women, it started taking shape when the Billy Bush tape was released and Trump’s so called “locker room banter” […]

Before I was a mother, I heard lots of babies cry. But until I was a mother, I never felt a baby cry. We can hear lots of things that don’t make us feel anything. But my daughter’s cry is not one of those things. I can feel her pain, her heartache, her fear, and her anger […]

Sometimes mornings don’t go as planned. This morning, I was all settled in with my tea for an early morning work session. Of course, my daughter decided to get up an hour early today. Which she hardly ever does! I reluctantly went upstairs to get her dressed and fed her breakfast. I opened up my […]

My house is full of toys! I remember thinking as we prepared our home for a baby that we’d have a neat little corner in one or two rooms where toys would be kept and put away after each use. Books would stay in her room, because you only read books at bed time, right? […]

Knock on wood…I’m sleeping again. Extra knock!!! If you know me, or have followed this blog, you probably know that my daughter was up 2-3 times a night routinely until about age two. (Hint – If you have a child that slept through the night before 18 months, make us all feel better and lie about […]

I’ve seen a lot of people ask about hiring a nanny on the Facebook groups I frequent recently. Ironically during the same timeframe, Facebook (I swear they are inside my head sometimes) reminded me that I was asking for similar advice three years ago this week. It quickly brought me back to the hours I spent scrolling […]

I knew it would happen eventually, but that doesn’t make it any less bittersweet. My daughter weaned herself from daytime nursing a month or so after her second birthday. I let her take the lead, nursing if she asked, but not offering it up. This meant of course that my milk began to dry up. […]

Last spring, I explained why I left my job of almost five years. I left a job I loved and where I worked with many people I loved. But after the birth of my daughter, the hours became too much. I was stretched too thin and close to a breaking point. I had to find a job […]

It’s that time of the month and I’m just wearing underwear. No tampon, no pad..nothing! I was skeptical at first, but these period panties actually do work perfect. By now, you’ve probably heard about Thinx. Why? Because first off, their product is life changing and more and more women are spreading the word. Second, they’ve […]

My husband owns both a construction company and a real estate firm here in Portland, Maine. He’s asked all the time what improvements to do or what do look for in a new home when a baby is on the way. Here is a list I wrote with his insight for him with his clients. Reliable […]


Life Isn't Always Pretty

Wellness Mama

Healthy Wife, Healthy Life

Oh Baby Richards

Is this really happening?

A Foodie Family

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